Confessions of a Chatholic Mason

























Instructions to the Masons

When America was founded, the Creator “God” set boundaries and a protective hedge for His Church similar to the restrictions placed on Satan concerning Job in the book of Job. Almost like a corporation with 2 owners, the founders arbitrated positions of strength and power sharing providing for the advancement of a Worldly State while still protecting the Spiritual security of the heavenly intention for the Church and the Servants of the Creator. This allowed America to mature as a World Power of unique strength while accomplishing the Devine directive of the Creator to establish His Church and further His intension of reaching the entire world with His Son Jesus.

You will recall that Benjamin Franklin possessed unique skills that enhanced Americas fortification and this established America in the Physical realm while the puritans built in the Spiritual realm through their faith in God's Testimony “The Word”

This power sharing Arrangement of Lucifer and Jehovah continues to this day. The strength of Benjamin Franklin was derived from the god of the hex star namely “Lucifer”

While the Puritans strength emanated from their Faith in their Creator “Jesus”

The Arrangement was viable as long as each of the parties maintained the conditions of the original agreement. As the Tribulation is confronted we see Lucifer stepping over the boundaries of this heavenly arrangement and violating the conditions that would allow this union to continue.

Lucifer having Violated the agreement with the intensions of consuming the entirety of humanity and leaving no room for the Creators work in the world namely the Church; Has altered the posture of the Creator in this heavenly directive to Protect His Church and maintain the Rule of law here in America. It is therefore determined that the Creator is Hiring the American infrastructure of control “the Masons” to maintain security for the Church and maintain the establishment of the rule of law through out the tribulation period,

With this dramatic transition in the posture and allegiance of the Masonic order from the god of the hex star unto the employment and allegiance to Jehovah and His Kingdom Government; we will find the need for an organized structure of transitional planning.

To maintain the freedom of choice which is a hallmark of the American experience while also providing for the prime directive of the Creator “Protecting His Church” a separation of the Church from the World is imperative. The Church is both Catholic and Protestant and both parties must receive equal consideration while still understanding that the intensions of the control (the Vatican) of the Catholic church will evolve into the religious apparatus of the Antichrist.

At the moment of transition, just after the Nuclear war when the Bottomless Pit is opened, the clarity of this process will be solidified. At this moment, when the structure of law is in question; the local churches and the Masonic authority of each Church need to step up and fill in the void. The time for Local State and Federal law enforcement to establish Martial Law will arrive at that moment when America sustains an EMP attack. Each Church must protect their community and assist weaker communities.

A note concerning Israel: God Chose a People He would call His Own. He chose Abraham and then Jacob (Israel) and this choice has never changed. currently Israel as a people are in an active state of rebellion from the Creator. We must not let this current state of God's chosen people affect our commitment to Jealously protect and support their position and calling.





































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